Coaching & PNL

With our personal coaching programs, you can overcome personal and professional problems that are difficult to solve.

We work with information from the subconscious, reprogramming outdated perspectives that no longer serve you and only cause suffering. In this way, you also learn to manage different life situations, enhancing your skills and strengths.

We have highly effective personal and emotional training programs to help you achieve extraordinary results in all areas of your life. It is in your hands to improve performance and productivity, flexibility, and adaptability to change.

coaching & PNL
PNL and Hypnosis session
PNL and Hypnosis session

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a collection of tools that can quickly and extremely effectively help with conflicts and issues related to bad habits, traumas and crises, phobias, and fears. Through these techniques, personal goals such as quitting smoking, losing weight, getting on a plane, etc., as well as professional goals such as gaining recognition, overcoming bullying or negative attitudes from your boss or coworkers, etc., can be achieved.

  50'      60 €

Personal coaching session
Personal coaching session

Personal training that helps overcome individual or professional shortcomings and achieve extraordinary results in all areas of life. Improvement in performance and productivity, relationships, use of skills and resources, flexibility, and adaptability to change. It's not magic, but it's highly effective.

  50'      60 €

Face Reading and Fengshui
Face Reading and Fengshui

Through face reading and Fengshui, a face is interpreted to understand and manage one's own weaknesses, virtues, and strengths, in order to be more effective in relationships in general, in professional development, and to improve self-understanding.

  50'      65 €

Original Biological Decoding
Original Biological Decoding

Personal support that allows to identify and understand the conflict associated with a symptom by developing a biological hypothesis that helps overcome the pain that has been stored, and to heal and release the person from this burden.

  50'      65 €